
Razor RipRider 360 Lightshow

169.99 JOD

This bike is pretty cool! It was super easy to put together so that was a bonus! I come from the big wheels generation so that was the initial attraction for me! The big kids felt like little kids for a minute :) It was pretty easy for everyone to figure out how to operate this bike in just a few minutes of riding it; they were able to drift on the first or second try and you can get a pretty good speed going. My petite 23 year old daughter was able to do some tricks the younger kids loved to have learned from her and they enjoyed replicating them after. The kids had a blast racing their drifter bikes and it was neat that this one lit up when someone is riding it. The best part about this lighting up was how easily someone could see it if they were driving down the street at night and that was safer. Everyone at my neighborhood block party had a blast and everyone was pretty impressed with Razors Riprider 360 light show!

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