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Closeup Triple Fresh Formula Menthol Fresh gel toothpaste helps you to get closer to those you love with its breath-freshening mouth wash formula. Active zinc formula in your fluoride toothpaste helps whiten teeth and leaves your breath fresh for up to twelve hours. The refreshing menthol flavour has a fresh smell that stays on your breath like a mouthwash. Also, the purifying gel cleans the deepest corners of your mouth. Don't be afraid to get close up and personal when there's mutual attraction. With Closeup toothpaste for bad breath protection, you don't need to be shy. With active zinc, and micro shine crystals, Closeup Triple Fresh Formula Menthol Fresh is the best toothpaste to maintain your oral hygiene. It helps you get up to 12 hours of fresh breath. Bad oral care leads to bad breath, which can make you lose confidence as you become very self-conscious. Bring your confidence back by taking care of your teeth with Closeup's gel toothpaste for fresh breath. Closeup and dentists recommend brushing at least twice a day - morning and evening - to keep your teeth in great condition and your breath smelling fresh. Let nothing stop you from getting close to the one you desire. Enjoy a natural and beautiful smile while Closeup cleans, protects and whitens.

a حسب Waed pharma - تقييم المستخدم 99.1% يمكن ارجاع المنتج خلال 3 يوم من تاريخ الشراء
طرق الشحن المتوفرة:
  • Home delivery from د.ا2.25 to د.ا3.50(خلال 3 الى 4ايام)
  • استلام من جانب العميل (مجانًا)

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