Double Ditto
This game contains 4 sets of yellow and blue cards, a shooting clock (15 seconds long) and a record of answers and a game instruction sheet. Dimensions: 26.7 x 23 x 9cm. Age: 10+ years The way of playing: This game is a fun party game that challenges players to be smart and fast. Number of players from 4 players, or up to 10 or more players. Take turns being the Ditto Master by reading a card out loud to the group . Players have 15 seconds to write two answers that come to their mind. Example: For “things you put on your head”> The players’ answers might include headband, mask, sunglasses, shampoo, ........ Once the time is up, players take turns reading the answers out loud, cross out each answer that matches another player's answer. The object of the game is to write the answers that other players think they will write. Each player matches his answer with the others to score a second point.
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