A completely different skin cleanser, combining an immediate and thorough cleansing action with an extreme gentleness Coverderm Camouflage Products form a unique product line, famous for concealing any major or minor skin imperfection on the face and body. Coverderm is proud to be the market leader in making that "invisible" beautiful difference to millions of people and deliver self-confidence and hapiness to their lives. Recommended by dermatologists and make-up artists worldwide! Removing Cream offers a thorough cleansing by removing the slightest trace of makeup from inside the pores, maintaining skin moisture and a fresh glow. It is hypoallergenic and can be safely used to remove makeup even from the eye area. Soothing action due to the glycerin and aloe vera content. Clever make-up Coverderm camouflage make-ups are real value for money: they provide coverage up to 5 times more than ordinary foundation, therefore it is better to use less quantity than more! To seal your lipstick "forever" apply a thin layer of Concealerunderneath your lipstick. Apply Finishing Powder on oily skin anytime during the day to absorb sebum and eliminate the shinny-look effect. Removing Cream is ideal to remove easily any make-up product, even waterproof mascaras and eye-liners. Before applying or after removing your make-up, nourish your skin with Skin Basics or your favourite moisturizer.
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