BAAD Bookshop

BAAD Bookshop

While they had been friends since school, Their was No Bookshops that provides all these varieties of Subjects and Quality Nor Home Delivery with an affordable Price ! That's where our Idea Lighted & we started Working since 2009 together to Provide You with this Amazing Experience . As we always say, the world is full of infinite possibilities and countless opportunities, but your life and career are finite, meaning you have limited time to find what you’re searching for and make your mark on the world. This is your time. It’s limited so don’t waste it. Find something you like to do and just DO it . Bakir & Adnan The Two BAAD Co-founders !

  • 0796983835
  • queen rania street , Building no 170 , 4th Floor
  • 0 التصنيفات والتعليقات
خصم 33

اسئلة سنوات الصف الحادي عشر و الثاني عشر كامبردج

د.ا30 د.ا45
خصم 33

اسئلة سنوات للصف السابع و الثامن كامبردج

د.ا30 د.ا45
خصم 20

IB Diploma HL اسئلة سنوات

د.ا40 د.ا50
خصم 33

اسئلة سنوات IB Diploma SL

د.ا30 د.ا45
خصم 33

اسئلة سنوات للصف الرابع الى السادس كامبردج

د.ا30 د.ا45
خصم 25

اسئلة سنوات حسب السنوات الصف التاسع و العاشر نموذج واحد كامبردج

د.ا15 د.ا20